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Wild Woman. Educator. Wanderer. Thinker. Creator.

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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Neil Ross Brian38
Mark Ridgway Brian38 Rithmini Weerakkody PhotoginTN


mrsroyle Laughing Kookaburra
Laughing Kookaburra commented on by mrsroyle Morningside, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Thank you, SukanyaDatta :)

mrsroyle Potter Wasp
Potter Wasp commented on by mrsroyle Balmoral, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Thank you, Van! :) I have viewed that website, in fact it was the first website that helped me on my way to identifying this wasp. I even tried to make contact with the owners but have not had success as yet. I was going to list the Brisbane Insects website as a reference but went with this one instead:

mrsroyle Eastern Water Dragon
Eastern Water Dragon commented on by mrsroyle Seven Hills, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Haha! Thanks Mark, glad to be able to give someone else a chuckle. :D

mrsroyle Coastal Carpet Python
Coastal Carpet Python commented on by mrsroyle Karawatha, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Wow, thanks so much SukanyaDatta and mauna kunzah. :) It's been exciting to get into it. :)

mrsroyle Blue Skimmer Dragonfly
Blue Skimmer Dragonfly commented on by mrsroyle Karawatha, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Oh thanks so much, MichaelS! :)

mrsroyle Potter Wasp
Potter Wasp commented on by mrsroyle Balmoral, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Why thank you, Ava and thank you for the invitation to add to a mission. I'm new to this so I'm grateful you reached out. :)

mrsroyle Blue Skimmer Dragonfly
Blue Skimmer Dragonfly commented on by mrsroyle Karawatha, Queensland, Australia2 years ago

Thank you Brian38! Project Noah has been a most exciting find - but I'm wondering how I am supposed to get any work done from now on.... Haha! :)

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