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jackemled Philippine Tarsier
Philippine Tarsier commented on by jackemled Bohol, Philippines9 years ago

@Mark Ridgway

jackemled Slime Mold Plasmodium
Slime Mold Plasmodium commented on by jackemled Alcalá de Henares, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain9 years ago

Thanks! I'll try that this year!

jackemled Philippine Tarsier
Philippine Tarsier commented on by jackemled Bohol, Philippines9 years ago

@Mark Ridgway
I always get confused with which of these has the poison bite & I always get confused with their defense.

jackemled Gray slender loris
Gray slender loris commented on by jackemled Kurunegala, වයඹ පළාත, Sri Lanka9 years ago

@Mark Ridgway
Thanks for correcting me on that, I was thinking of a Slow Loris.
Its bite is poisonous because of a poison it produces in glands on its elbows, it licks off the poison into its mouth & uses it as a defense (Like how rubbing a sharp stick on a Golden Dart Frog or a Toads parotoid glands will poison it & allow it to be used a defense for yourself.).

jackemled Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by jackemled Georgia, USA9 years ago

North American Toad.

jackemled Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by jackemled Georgia, USA9 years ago

I think that's a Leaf Footed Bug

jackemled Gray slender loris
Gray slender loris commented on by jackemled Kurunegala, Sri Lanka9 years ago

He wants to stab you with his poisonous spit covered elbows, but he's too tired.

jackemled Philippine Tarsier
Philippine Tarsier commented on by jackemled Bohol, Philippines9 years ago

He licks his elbows & stabs you with them, & his spit is very poisonous, so don't hug it. Seriously it stabs you with poison covered elbows.

jackemled Slime Mold Plasmodium
Slime Mold Plasmodium commented on by jackemled Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain9 years ago

You find alot of slime molds, how do you find them so good?

jackemled Many-headed Slime
Many-headed Slime commented on by jackemled East Ridge, Tennessee, USA9 years ago

P.S. nice picture you took of it.

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