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MitchRay Atul ceherzog Dan Doucette
Tera2 grade-78-science6 flowntheloop maplemoth662
auntnance123 Atlantic Needlefish
Atlantic Needlefish commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA8 years ago

They appear to be needlefish, family Belonidae.

auntnance123 Spring Fishfly, male
Spring Fishfly, male commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA9 years ago

Hmm, I have the correct scientific name but the wrong common name. It's all in the details; thanks for your sharp eye and the correction.

auntnance123 Barred owl
Barred owl commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA10 years ago

Thank you, duttagupta35504. These were shot using the Canon Power Shot sx40 HS.

auntnance123 Damselfly
Damselfly commented on by auntnance123 Braga, Portugal10 years ago

Yes, Chris, the same Auntnance. Thanks for the great tour--I'll be posting the great finds at Omaere as soon as I find a place to land for a while.

auntnance123 White Featherleg Damselfly
White Featherleg Damselfly commented on by auntnance123 Braga, Portugal10 years ago

Thank you, kozoga; that ID is very much appreciated (I was afraid it might not be possible from the quality of the photos).

auntnance123 Boat-tailed grackle
Boat-tailed grackle commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA10 years ago

They are 'characters' to be sure.

auntnance123 Great Souihern White Butterfly
Great Souihern White Butterfly commented on by auntnance123 Titusville, Florida, USA10 years ago

It was fairly white; and the great southern white is common in the area. Thanks, JessicaHelmbold, for reaching so far back to ID this spotting.

auntnance123 Carolina Mantis
Carolina Mantis commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA10 years ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mr. Goldfish.

auntnance123 Miranda Donkey
Miranda Donkey commented on by auntnance123 Portugal10 years ago

estebanjaramillo55, I was unaware of this breed until meeting these fine animals.

auntnance123 Moth
Moth commented on by auntnance123 Puntarenas, Costa Rica10 years ago

Thank you for the ID, PhilipBarnette

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