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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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I really enjoy being able to see all the beautiful and wonderful creatures through other people's eyes.

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Dan Doucette victoria.vikspics Christiane sttweets
Neil Ross flowntheloop Ornithoptera80 RiekoSaito
Woodpeckers of North America
62 participants
261 spottings

Woodpeckers of North America

The purpose of this mission is to learn more about woodpeckers and their habits. I am keeping a checklist of ...

285 participants
650 spottings


there are apparently 22000 species of ants. lets get to it!!

Slime Molds
316 participants
499 spottings

Slime Molds

Mission for those slimy, but often beautifully colored molds that are often confused with fungi. Now a global ...

Arthropods parasitised by fungi
43 participants
111 spottings

Arthropods parasitised by fungi

This mission was created to document the occurrence of parasitism of arthropod species by fungi.

495 participants
5,539 spottings


Flies are everywhere and quite frankly, I think they get a bad rap! Yes some can eat disgusting things, annoy you ...

Arthropods parasitised by other arthropods
35 participants
163 spottings

Arthropods parasitised by other ...

This mission was created to document the occurrence of parasitism among arthropod species.

Arthropod Galls of the North East
12 participants
34 spottings

Arthropod Galls of the North ...

Galls are fascinating structures! They can be created by insects, mites or even fungi or bacteria. They can be ...

Wildlife with Snow, Frost, and Ice - NorthEastern United States
133 participants
330 spottings

Wildlife with Snow, Frost, and ...

Animals using, playing in, interacting with, or affected by snow, frost, or ice. Plants growing in or affected by ...

Raptors of North America
1,343 participants
4,065 spottings

Raptors of North America

Raptors (Birds of Prey - Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Owls and Vultures) are found throughout North America - from the ...

634 participants
10,224 spottings


Beetles are the most diverse group of organisms on Earth. They are found on six continents in almost every ...

National Geographic's Great Nature Project
2,844 participants
66,545 spottings

National Geographic's Great ...

National Geographic is urging everyone to get outside to explore nature. Participants are asked to contribute ...

Caterpillars of Eastern North America
147 participants
335 spottings

Caterpillars of Eastern North ...

It seems that everywhere we look we see butterflies and moths, but we never seem to think about where they came ...

The Hoppers
866 participants
4,402 spottings

The Hoppers

This is not for jumping organisms! This mission is focusing on the Auchenorrhyncha suborder (Free-living ...

Backyard Habitats of the World
1,738 participants
13,691 spottings

Backyard Habitats of the World

Some of the most remarkable nature and wildlife can be seen right in your own backyard! The focus of this mission ...

Mimetic Animals of the World
1,387 participants
5,769 spottings

Mimetic Animals of the World

One of the most striking survival strategies of animals is mimicking their environment. Mimetism can be used for ...

Fungus in America
215 participants
4,574 spottings

Fungus in America

Discover varieties of fungus of the region.

Project Frog Finder of NorthEastern United States
117 participants
232 spottings

Project Frog Finder of ...

Finding and identifying local frogs.

Fantastic Fungi - WV, OH, MI
167 participants
645 spottings

Fantastic Fungi - WV, OH, MI

The main purpose of this mission is to explore different kinds of fungi in our environment.

Backyard bugs and unknown visitors of the Northeastern United States
140 participants
557 spottings

Backyard bugs and unknown ...

The surprise visitors that we stumble across while either minding our own business, or exploring our environment ...

Reptiles of the East U.S.
197 participants
501 spottings

Reptiles of the East U.S.

I love reptiles and I am really interested in finding out what type of reptiles live in this area. I can't wait to ...

Spirals in Nature - Midwestern US
248 participants
262 spottings

Spirals in Nature - Midwestern US

This mission is dedicated to showcasing spiral patterns found in nature. Whether it be Fibonacci spiral patterns ...

Caterpillars and larvae of the World
676 participants
5,511 spottings

Caterpillars and larvae of the ...

There are many beautiful and unique larva forms such as caterpillars that we never even notice until they turn ...

Ferns of Northeastern U.S.
206 participants
177 spottings

Ferns of Northeastern U.S.

To create a catalog of ferns and allied families found in New England and bordering states and areas of Canada. ...

Rare Color Morphs
1,029 participants
759 spottings

Rare Color Morphs

If you find an animal or plant that is not it's normal color, please add it to this mission. Though rare, ...

Homeopathic Remedy Sources of the North Eastern United States
38 participants
17 spottings

Homeopathic Remedy Sources of ...

Photographs and Information about Plants or Animals used for Homeopathic Remedies.

Frogs of The Northeastern US
55 participants
96 spottings

Frogs of The Northeastern US

Frogs are flat out my favorite amphibians out there. From the tiny milky tree frogs to the giant pixies, they ...

Backyard birds of Northeastern USA
58 participants
556 spottings

Backyard birds of Northeastern ...

To document backyard birds from PA, NY, WV, VA, OH, CT, and NJ.

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants
1,591 participants
2,640 spottings

Herbs & Spices – Source Plants

Herbs & spices have been used since ancient times. They have been used for cooking, as medicines, in religion, ...

Moths of the World
3,063 participants
41,519 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

Flowers of Northeastern USA
62 participants
869 spottings

Flowers of Northeastern USA

To document all types of flowers in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, ...

The Color Green - Northeastern US
72 participants
264 spottings

The Color Green - Northeastern US

All organisms that have the color green. Don't hesitate!

Amphibians of the World
2,400 participants
7,500 spottings

Amphibians of the World

Lethal fungi, habitat loss, and predators have caused severe declines in amphibian populations around the world. ...

Trees of the World
948 participants
5,004 spottings

Trees of the World

A collection of trees and their characteristics worldwide.

Beauty of Decay
181 participants
2,502 spottings

Beauty of Decay

This mission is about showing the beauty of all kinds of decay processes which are usually the basis beginning of ...

Nature we live with NorthEastern US
94 participants
547 spottings

Nature we live with NorthEastern ...

Track down nature kept by people to discover how many nature lovers we're surrounded by and what sorts of living ...

Mission WILD
3,434 participants
43,042 spottings

Mission WILD

The WILD Foundation works to protect & interconnect at least half of the planet’s land & water to sustain the ...

Leaves of the North East
180 participants
434 spottings

Leaves of the North East

I am trying to see what the local leaves are like in my area and what people are growing. If this mission ...

Project Squirrel
5,893 participants
3,851 spottings

Project Squirrel

Fox squirrels and grey squirrels are two of the most familiar species of wildlife in many neighborhoods and ...

Animals Against the Elements (Northeastern US)
25 participants
14 spottings

Animals Against the Elements ...

The goal of this mission is to document any form of wildlife braving any of the elements (not the chemistry ...

Feeder Wildlife - Northeast U.S
32 participants
60 spottings

Feeder Wildlife - Northeast U.S

Please put up feeders in your yard! Lot's of animals in the winter rely on food from feeders to keep them selves ...

Shades of brown of New York
45 participants
211 spottings

Shades of brown of New York

Flora and fauna that are any shade of the color brown

Eastern Assassin Bugs
298 participants
324 spottings

Eastern Assassin Bugs

The assassin bugs, family Reduviidae, is one of the largest families of true bugs in the order Hemiptera. There ...

The Cardinal Rule - North Eastern US
77 participants
35 spottings

The Cardinal Rule - North ...

This is a mission to gather as many pictures and information on Cardinals as possible. Size & Shape The Northern ...

Plants that are used as a herbal remedy - Florida
105 participants
213 spottings

Plants that are used as a herbal ...

Herbalism is a traditional medicinal or folk medicine practice based on the use of plants and plant extracts. ...

The Lost Ladybug Project
5,574 participants
3,373 spottings

The Lost Ladybug Project

Across North America ladybug species distribution is changing. We're asking you to join us in finding out where ...

281 participants
1,691 spottings


Lichens are the symbiotic union of a fungus with either a green alga or a cyanobacteria. They are very different ...

The Color Red
5,860 participants
15,034 spottings

The Color Red

The color red is a bold color that represents passion. We would like to create a collection of wildlife images ...

Mushroom Mapping
6,124 participants
29,006 spottings

Mushroom Mapping

Mushroom ecology is a pivotal orientation point for exploring urban systems. Help us gather important data and ...

The Wildflowers of New York State
109 participants
665 spottings

The Wildflowers of New York State

The purpose of this mission is to obtain photos of all plant parts and locations of the beautiful wildflowers ...

Fall Into Phenology
1,227 participants
2,209 spottings

Fall Into Phenology

Celebrate the Fall Equinox and help us reach our goal of 500 reported observations with Project BudBurst’s new ...

Flowers of North America
9,460 participants
32,316 spottings

Flowers of North America

We want you to help us build a photo collection of flowers from around the world. Show us what flowers are ...

Nature in Yellow
2,420 participants
12,696 spottings

Nature in Yellow

It would be so interesting to see all the yellow flowers, fruits, insects, animals of the world.

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & other animal architecture
2,954 participants
9,477 spottings

Nests, hives, bowers, webs & ...

This mission is to document the incredible architectural abilities of animals from all genera.

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