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Medical Entomologist and nature lover with a special passion for insects.

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

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Yeung PK Alexander Znavsky William_Dembowski SarahWhitt
ruth mm3281323 ForestDragon kametaro
LaurenZarate Artichoke Plume Moth
Artichoke Plume Moth commented on by LaurenZarate San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico4 years ago

Thank you ornithoptera80, you are right! So glad to know. Thank you Mark and Neil, ornithoptera has given us a species name, and its a major pest!

LaurenZarate Walker's moth
Walker's moth commented on by LaurenZarate ES, Brazil4 years ago

What a gorgeous series Kel! I love the ones with the hairs!

LaurenZarate Geometrid Moth
Geometrid Moth commented on by LaurenZarate Querétaro, Mexico4 years ago

What a beauty!

LaurenZarate Bagworm Moth
Bagworm Moth commented on by LaurenZarate PNG, Malaysia4 years ago

Congratulations Richard, wonderful photos!

LaurenZarate Thatching ant hives
Thatching ant hives commented on by LaurenZarate Federal Way, Washington, USA4 years ago

Wow Brian! Really amazing. I wonder if they've ever done a plaster copy of one of these nests (where they pour plaster or hot metal into the nest, let it harden and then dig it up).

LaurenZarate Longhorn Beetle
Longhorn Beetle commented on by LaurenZarate Wisconsin, USA4 years ago

Sure wish I could see this better, its silhouette looks like a short-winged Long-horn beetle, Family Cerambycidae. That these are actually beetles is often missed because they look and act like wasps.

LaurenZarate Western thatching ant with prey
Western thatching ant with prey commented on by LaurenZarate Washington, USA4 years ago

A new ant for me, impressive!

LaurenZarate Caterpillar of Cup/Limacodid Moth
Caterpillar of Cup/Limacodid Moth commented on by LaurenZarate Sabah, Malaysia4 years ago

Gorgeous lethal fellow.

LaurenZarate Micro Fungi in Tree Holes
Micro Fungi in Tree Holes commented on by LaurenZarate San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico4 years ago

Brian, Hi, would you have a look at some of the minute tree holes in your forests to see if these kinds of micro fungi are growing there?

LaurenZarate Spotting
Spotting commented on by LaurenZarate Portland, Maine, USA4 years ago

Hi Kara. This little Plant Bug is in the Family Miridae.

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