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I combine two of my favorite hobbies. Geocaching and taking pictures of wildlife.

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animaisfotos Carolina loarie David
Dawn Lopez-Garanzuay mm3281323 jazz.mann Giovani
Jellis Spotting
Spotting commented on by Jellis Taipei City, Taiwan3 years ago

Looks like either goldfish or Koi

Jellis Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by Jellis Pennsylvania, USA4 years ago

Be careful they have stingers

Jellis Spotting
Spotting commented on by Jellis Honolulu, Hawaii, USA4 years ago

I don't see anything on the fish that would indicate that it would be able to survive out of water for very long. Body shape doesn't seem to match anything on land. Catfish have feelers. Pectoral fins are shaped and position for bottom feeding. I am guess a bird pecked it out of the water and dropped it.

Jellis Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron commented on by Jellis Fremont, California, USA5 years ago

Thank you Mel11

Jellis Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron commented on by Jellis Fremont, California, USA5 years ago

Thank you
This is a sub adult, almost there

Jellis Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird commented on by Jellis Fremont, California, USA5 years ago

Thank you, it's been awhile since I posted and didn't notice the year.

Jellis fox
fox commented on by Jellis North Carolina, USA5 years ago

Black boots white tip on tail makes it yes a Red Fox

Jellis Summer Tanager
Summer Tanager commented on by Jellis Georgia, USA5 years ago

maybe a female Scarlet Tanager

Jellis Spotting
Spotting commented on by Jellis California, USA5 years ago

Jumping mouse and Kangaroo rats aren't usually found in this area.

Jellis White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch commented on by Jellis California, USA5 years ago

Thank You Brian and Daniele. I saw 3 species that day in the same area. But the shots of the Red-breasted didn’t come out well.

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