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Irene Brady

Irene Brady

A naturalist, author & illustrator, I sketch and photograph in the Belize rainforest. You can download my sketch/journals from my website.

Benque Viejo, Belize, Central America

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Irene Brady Noble pen shell. Nacra
Noble pen shell. Nacra commented on by Irene Brady Murcia, Spain5 years ago

Excellent photo series! Thanks.

Irene Brady Blue Morpho caterpillar
Blue Morpho caterpillar commented on by Irene Brady Cayo, Belize6 years ago

Thank you very much, amigos! Interestingly, this was extremely difficult to identify. I searched the internet with all kinds of descriptions for more than two hours, and only found it by accident in Images while searching for another butterfly caterpillar. I am very pleased that you all found it interesting.

Irene Brady Roe deer
Roe deer commented on by Irene Brady California, USA6 years ago

Due to the range and distribution, plus the size of the ears, these are likely black-tailed deer. Roe deer aren't native to the US.

Irene Brady Spotting
Spotting commented on by Irene Brady Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA6 years ago

This looks to me like a decades- to centuries-old accumulation of packrat dung. Did it have a strong scent?

Irene Brady Rutela Beetle
Rutela Beetle commented on by Irene Brady Las Amazonas, Loreto, Peru7 years ago

Olivier, many thanks! I googled Rutela lineola and am sure you are correct, including the marking on the thorax which I thought might be a broken part. Is there a common name?

Irene Brady Hairy Cup Fungus, Bristly Tropical Cup
Hairy Cup Fungus, Bristly Tropical Cup commented on by Irene Brady Cayo, Belize7 years ago

If you have a chance to travel in the subtropics/tropics, there's a good chance you will see it. I've spotted it in both Costa Rica and Belize on casual walks in the forest.

Irene Brady Flat Rock Spider
Flat Rock Spider commented on by Irene Brady Cayo, Belize7 years ago

Thanks for the Spotting of the Week vote. As it happens, this is one of my more fascinating "learner spottings." It took me quite a while online to work out what sort of spider it was, and as always, I learned a great deal about not only "flatties" but also about other spiders it WASN'T as I researched it.

Irene Brady Flat Rock Spider
Flat Rock Spider commented on by Irene Brady Cayo, Belize7 years ago

Thanks. All credit must go to the spider, of course! <grin>

Irene Brady Flat Rock Spider
Flat Rock Spider commented on by Irene Brady Cayo, Belize7 years ago

Thank you Daniele. I always find posting with write-ups much more interesting than those without. I expect they are of more value to the Project Noah goals, as well, so I try to include everything I can think of, plus what I am able to find online. I've learned SO much this way!!!

Irene Brady Thin Shelled Rock Crab, A'ama, Natal Lightfoot Crab
Thin Shelled Rock Crab, A'ama, Natal Lightfoot Crab commented on by Irene Brady Hawaii, USA8 years ago

oops! I know better than that! Thanks, Scott.

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