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Veterinary assistant, artist, and PN Ranger with a deep love and wonder for all of Nature.


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shebebusynow fierybrunettlass courtneyhitson Atul
itsmemazid dklein edwin.arredondo.1seg Jimilagro Vermont
ForestDragon unidentified squirrel
unidentified squirrel commented on by ForestDragon Blaine, Washington, United States11 months ago

This is a melanistic squirrel. It's either a Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus) or a Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger). I'm not sure from the images which species.

ForestDragon six spotted laybird
six spotted laybird commented on by ForestDragon Olpad, Gujarat, Indiaa year ago

Beautiful beetle! This looks like a species of Tortoise Beetle, rather than a Lady Beetle. I am not very familiar with the insects in your region, so I am not sure of an ID on it.

ForestDragon Bold Jumper
Bold Jumper commented on by ForestDragon Midlothian, Virginia, United States3 years ago

Me too, Sergio!

ForestDragon Spotting
Spotting commented on by ForestDragon Hoogmade, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands3 years ago

It looks very similar to a rabbit or hare mandible (well part of one). I did a quick Google search to find some similar images. You would probably have to do some research on size to see if you could figure out which it is.

ForestDragon Stilt Legged Fly
Stilt Legged Fly commented on by ForestDragon Tallahassee, Florida, United States3 years ago

This was a tough one! After a lot of scanning images, I may have found a close one. Not sure this is correct though. Check this:

ForestDragon Sawfly Larva
Sawfly Larva commented on by ForestDragon Tallahassee, Florida, United States3 years ago

Although this looks like a caterpillar, it is actually a Sawfly larva (a type of wasp). Unfortunately, many of them are nearly impossible to identify. Here is a link that may help:

ForestDragon Spotting
Spotting commented on by ForestDragon Florida, USA3 years ago

This is very likely a Black Horse Fly. However, the distance from the subject makes me a bit hesitant to give you a 100% on that. Here is a link:

ForestDragon White Margined Burrower Bug
White Margined Burrower Bug commented on by ForestDragon Tallahassee, Florida, United States3 years ago

Not a beetle at all, but a true bug. They are pretty little insects!

ForestDragon Frilly Grass-tubeworm Moth
Frilly Grass-tubeworm Moth commented on by ForestDragon Tallahassee, Florida, United States3 years ago

Fancy, but not a Slug Moth. :-)

ForestDragon Pellet from Red Shouldered Hawk
Pellet from Red Shouldered Hawk commented on by ForestDragon Tallahassee, Florida, United States3 years ago

Neat find! This is most likely a pellet, rather than scat. Many species of predatory birds will regurgitate the indigestible parts of their prey (fur, bones, teeth, exoskeletons). It's usually in a neat oval pellet, often found where they roost.

I moved this to the Birds section for you since it is created by/from a bird. :-)

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