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Lesser Grass Blue

Zizina otis oriens


Pic #1. Shows two males. Pic #2. A male. Pic #3. A rather tattered male. Pic #4. A female.


These Lesser Grass Blues were spotted in the farm, darting about rather frenetically in the leaf litter. The first early signs, of the coming rainy season, seemed to have brought them out in good numbers. The green foliage in the photos has just begun to sprout as a result of one or two light showers and is always a sign that the drought is coming to an end. I am pretty sure that the Lesser Grass Blues and other Lycaenids have some kind of phenological connection with their host plants. In this case the host is Slender Carpetweed (Glinus oppositifolius), generally known in the Philippines as Sarsalida, but in our local dialect, it is called Papait (pronunciation like two words) Papa-it. Plant information from -

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on May 14, 2024
Submitted on May 14, 2024

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