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Land Planarian



Land planarians are soft, bilaterally symmetric, acoelomate, dorsally-ventrally flattened worms, 3 to 50 cm long by 0.2 to 0.5 cm wide. They lack a respiratory and circulatory system, a skeleton, and an anus. The heads of many land planarians are expanded lunate or tapering to a blunt point. Eyespots may be present on the head.


found in dark, cool, moist areas under objects such as rocks, logs, in debris, or under shrubs, and on the soil surface following heavy rains. I spotted it under a moist flower pot


The species is unidentified, but it belongs to the family of Geoplanidae

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TajSALDO 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions. As for now, I am still unsure of what species of flatworm it is. I will update the spotting to avoid any confusions :)

Tukup 4 years ago

Saturniidae27, I was wondering about that even as I commented on the post. I"ve spotted B kewense myself and know that their stripes are shades of black and brown, no yellow, but haven't had the time to research it. I'm glad you took the time.

Saturniidae27 4 years ago

I tend to not going with Bipalium kewense, because Bipalium kewense has no yellow stripe through the body.I would rather go with the family Geoplaniidae, and the common name as land planarians.Also because they are 830 identified species of land planarians, and yet many not discovered.Here are some species that have been found simmilar to yours, but science has no clue to what species it is:)

TajSALDO 4 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion @Tukup, I shall take that into consideration and updating my other spottings as well :)

Tukup 4 years ago

Much prettier than the only one I've ever seen. That yellow stripe is striking. Thanks Taj. I just found out not long ago that what is wanted in the habitat section is where you found this particular example, not the range of the species in general. I've been going back and changing mine. Just a suggestion. I appreciate you taking the time to research and write up something. Too many don't. Good job.

Spotted by

Benguet, Philippines

Spotted on Dec 29, 2019
Submitted on Dec 29, 2019

Spotted for Mission

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