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African Vultures


This amazing scene was spotted and photographed in Masai Mara last year.......the Mara River...which is full of crocs and hippos looked deceptively calm, then at a turn, we spotted hundreds of wildebeest carcasses which the vultures were feasting on and reducing to skeletons......"biodegradable circle of life" and "recycling by nature" (I thought to myself in dark humor.....but I was strangely not upset by thr scene)....


Kenya, Masai Mara

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1 Comment

pamsai 9 years ago

Hi Chand,
I have created a Mission for East Africa and cordially invite you to add you Masai Mara photos to this new mission.

Spotted by


Spotted on Nov 2, 2010
Submitted on Aug 8, 2011

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