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Horned Treehopper

Tricentrus convergens


This Horned Treehopper has some similarities to Leptocentrus taurus and when I was taking the picture, I thought it might be a juvenile. However, when I could see the picture better on my laptop, I realised that the differences are too many and too great. Very soon after I posted this spotting, I received the comment you can see below from Mark Ridgeway, giving me the correct ID, Tricentrus convergens.


This Horned Treehopper was spotted in our front yard. It fell to the ground on a branch of a tree which had just been pruned.


Thanks to Ranger Mark Ridgeway, I now have the identification of this Horned Treehopper. It is Tricentrus convergens and can be viewed in -

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John B.
John B. a year ago

Thanks Mark, for your helpful advice about cameras. I have never been a good photographer and you are right about some of these modern digital cameras, they can be very expensive. I find that I never need the vast majority of the settings, switches and buttons on the one I have, but now that its not working so well, it just the same as an old "Box-Brownie". Please say Hi to Leuba for me, I'm sure she had a good laugh if she saw the mess I got into a few days ago with some "Leaf Galls". I won't be too keen to try that again. Its amazing and interesting when some else does it, but I felt like I had just walked into a minefield. Best wishes, John B.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway a year ago

Hey John I don't think you need a flash expensive camera. Leuba still gets some great closeups with her 10 year old $120 pocket cam.. much better then my $500 dollar one. (Grrr..!!) Just need to find the right one..
Come to think of it your shots are all good enough for IDs.
ProjectNoah apparently cuts everything down to 1200 by 1200 anyway so it's not about the photography in here.

John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi Mark, thank you very much for your help in identifying this Horned Treehopper. I am familiar with L. taurus, but this one is new to me. I was so pleased to see it and then fumbled around trying to get my camera to work and only got the one shot. But excuses never help. I'll just have to try harder until I can get my camera fixed or replaced. My wife might prefer to change the photographer rather than the camera :-)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway a year ago

Looks like Tricentrus convergens.

John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Sep 21, 2022
Submitted on Sep 22, 2022

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