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Flat-faced Longhorns Beetle

Epepeotes ambigenus


Cerambycidae; Epepeotes ambigenus Chevrolat, 1841. Wikipedia states, in four simple sentences, all that I need to know about this beetle. It is brief, but comprehensive. So, it seems best to just quote it verbatim: "Epepeotes ambigenus is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Chevrolat in 1841. It is known from Taiwan and the Philippines. It feeds on Ficus carica and Ficus nota."


This beetle was spotted on foliage in our backyard, in the shade of some Ficus Trees.


The Wikipedia pictures of this beetle were quite enough to identify my spotting yesterday, but the mention of its two host trees, Ficus carica and Ficus nota was just the icing on the cake. I have three Ficus trees in my backyard. There are two Ficus fiskei, about 20 feet apart and in between them there is a taller, fig-bearing Ficus sp. They are not the Ficus spp. mentioned in Wiki's article, but I felt that I couldn't get a much more complete confirmation that my beetle is indeed Epepeotes ambigenus. I only managed two photos. I enlarged one of them to show the detail better. If you look, you can see that the first picture is just an enlargement of the the second one (which shows the complete antennae). I hope that is not too repetitive.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Sep 22, 2022
Submitted on Sep 23, 2022

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