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Red Squirrel

Tamiasciurus hudsonicus


Many people have walked through the woods of Nova Scotia and been serenaded by the chatter of a red squirrel. This small rodent of North America is bold, agile and is easily identified by its brownish-red coat, cream-or-gray-colored underparts, and bushy tail. Squirrels are important to Nova Scotia's forest ecosystem as seed dispersers, and also as a food source for many mammals and birds, particularly birds of prey.


They primarily live in trees, but also dig burrows in the ground. Active during the day year round, except in winter storms or cold spells.


They raid bird feeders, are territorial and their acrobatics are fascinating. As you can see this little guy was determined to keep his territory so he was eating anything and everything in site, including drinking from the Hummingbirds feeder. They are quite a nuisance and annoying at times.

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1 Comment

billikendave 11 years ago

I just started a new mission: non-hummingbird creatures at hummingbird feeders. Your photo would be a great addition.

Spotted by

Argyle Municipal District, Nova Scotia, Canada

Spotted on Jun 28, 2007
Submitted on Feb 15, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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