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Flatid Planthopper

Geisha mariginellus


Flatidae; Flatinae; Phyllyphantini; Geisha mariginellus Walker, 1858. As explained in Notes below, I encountered three groups of G. mariginellus during my walk in the countryside. The above pictures show some of the Planthoppers in this third group. This was a small group and, once again, there was a great amount of waxy filament deposited on the plant. This white material is extruded by the Flatid Planthopper nymphs and is finally completely discarded at their last moult when they reach adulthood. I am fairly certain that the thick deposits of this material suggest that there were several more specimens that I missed by arriving at their habitat after they had flown off.


Spotted on unidentified foliage along the roadside.


On Feb. 8, I went out into the local countryside on a little bug hunt to get some pictures for Project Noah. I do this occasionally because even just a short walk, in the surrounding hills, sometimes reveals species that are difficult to find around our house and farm. On this trip, I was lucky enough to find three separate groups of Flatid Planthoppers. They were all Geisha mariginellus. So, when I returned home and started sorting out my pictures, my plan was to pick out five or six good photos and present them as one spotting of that species. However, I quickly realized that it should not be done that way because the habitats, whilst similar, were several hundred yards apart. Obviously, I could only pinpoint one habitat location on the satellite image and the other two could not be shown. So, I decided to post three spottings. I mention all of this simply because I think it might look rather odd if done without explanation.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Feb 8, 2023
Submitted on Feb 13, 2023

Spotted for Mission

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