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Picture Wing Moth

Microbelia canidentalis


Thyrididae; Siculodinae; Microbelia canidentalis Swinhoe, 1906. This is a very small moth which, according to Wikipedia and Philippine Lepidoptera, is placed in the Thrydidae (Small mainly dayflying moths). Wiki mentions that there are more than 1000 spp. so I felt lucky when I saw some pictures in inaturalist which helped me with the identification of this one. The Thrydidae are known colloquially as Tropical Leaf Moths or Picture Wing Moths.


This moth was spotted on the wall of our back terrace. It must have come in from the backyard where there is an extensive variety of tropical foliage.


According to, "The moths perch in a distinctive position, with the body raised, mid legs not touching the substrate, and the wings held outspread." This is exactly the position adopted by the moth in my photos, although I was not able to get a good perspective to show it. In there are better pictures of this moth in its resting posture.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Oct 31, 2022
Submitted on Nov 2, 2022

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