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Snow Leopard

Panthera uncia


Adapted to thrive in one of the harshest habitats in India, amidst the high altitudes of the Himalayas, Snow Leopards are beyond doubt one of the most stunning wild cats in the world! Their well-camouflaged fur allows them to stalk their prey and conceal themselves behind rocks and boulders. They have short front limbs and long hind limbs, which enables them to jump at least 30ft high and their versatile tail, helps them keep warm and also maintain balance while walking around the treacherous cliffs and edges.


Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary set up at an altitude of 3500-6000 Mts asl in the Himalayan range of Spiti.

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Neil Ross
Neil Ross 4 years ago

This is an epic photo, Vipul. Yes, straight out of a movie, or even a fairy tale - it certainly has a beautiful, mystical quality. Well spotted.

Saturniidae27 4 years ago

Nice pictures Vipul. It looks like something straight out of a movie.

FernandoMSoares 4 years ago

Congratulations on the photo! It reminded me of the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, this species has a fundamental role in the plot.

Ornithoptera80 4 years ago

Wow, great shot.

MichaelS 4 years ago

Incredible photo, Vipul!


Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 4 years ago

Absolutely stunning spotting, Vipul. Congrats for this photo, and thanks for sharing it.

Vipul Ramanuj
Spotted by
Vipul Ramanuj

Chicham Khas, Himachal Pradesh, India

Spotted on Feb 16, 2019
Submitted on May 6, 2020

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