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Common Mayna



Please Help !!! This Common Mayna bird fell from her nest as a fledgling and was adopted as pet bird 4 years ago (I tried to release her to nature but didn't work out). A year ago she started getting bald , she is well fed and gets lot of love, veterinarians prognosis was no mites or parasite, clean bill of health:-) But still no feather growth:-( Any body has an idea what's the reason for it? or maybe a cure ? i know bald mayna birds were spotted around the world...does anybody know if bald mayna birds managed to re- grow feathers ? i am really desperate , thanks. btw:the right hand pic was taken before the problem started.


Fledgling Mayna bird was found laying on the ground in Tel Aviv Israel , probably fell from her nest, was adopted 4 years ago .


Please Help !!! This Common Mayna bird fell from her nest as a fledgling and was adopted as pet bird 4 years ago (I tried to release her to nature but didn't work out). A year ago she started getting bald , she is well fed and gets lot of love, veterinarians prognosis was no mites or parasite, clean bill of health:-) But still no feather growth:-( Any body has an idea what's the reason for it? or maybe a cure ? i know bald mayna birds were spotted around the world...does anybody know if bald mayna birds managed to re- grow feathers ? i am really desperate , thanks.

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Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel

Spotted on Apr 7, 2023
Submitted on Apr 7, 2023

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