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Spring gold

Crocidium multicaule


It is a small annual, typically not exceeding 30 centimeters in height. It grows from a small patch of somewhat fleshy leaves at the ground and erects several very tall, very thin gangly stems, each of which is topped with a flower head. The flower head is made up of five to 13 lemon yellow ray florets, each up to a centimeter long. The center of the head is filled with tiny disc florets, in a similar shade of bright yellow. The fruits are fuzzy brown achenes only one or two millimeters long which turn gluey when wet.


This plant is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, where it can be found in varied habitats from grassland to woodland.

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Washington, USA

Spotted on Apr 8, 2017
Submitted on Apr 8, 2017

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