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Purple clover wildflower found on side of road.


Near pine forest

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JennEarls 10 years ago

Yes, after looking it up it does look like a purple Oxalis. We found it on sandy mixed soil by the edge of a pine forest. Thank you!

JennEarls 10 years ago

Yes, after looking it up it does look like a purple Oxalis. We found it on sandy mixed soil by the edge of a pine forest. Thank you!

chesterbperry 10 years ago

It is likely an Oxalis, it could be one of the purple cultivars, or a plant that is having difficulty absorbing phosphorous. This is why taking photos of plants where you find them is beneficial. What was the soil like, what else was growing nearby, and did any other plants show signs of stress?

Spotted by

Michigan, USA

Spotted on Aug 31, 2013
Submitted on Aug 31, 2013

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