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Juvenile Gopher Tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus


Roughly around 2in long and possibly 1.5in-2in tall. Most likely a new hatchling for this year! :)


Peninsula surrounded by an estuary.


The Gopher Tortoises start to nest from April to July ranging from 407 eggs. The nests are typically near the burrow and hatchlings are generally 1-2in long. I read that they grow 3/4in per year (unsure). These tortoises are one of my favorite reptiles! :) Their burrows can average around 30ft (depends on water table) and can support over 250 other species such as Gopher Frogs, quails, Burrowing Owls, snakes, and other species. Especially when there is a fire it's a great place for protection. They are a threatened species here in Florida and are mostly affected by habitat loss. Picture was taken in St. Augustine, FL.

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Bhagya Herath
Bhagya Herath 10 years ago


Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

Hi sofia2, I think it is around 1.5-2.0in tall. I don't fully remember and I believe it is too early to tell the gender.

Rosa Maria
Rosa Maria 10 years ago

Okay! It was a thin strip of land in between an estuary. We were so excited to stumble upon this little oasis which looked purely natural. We didn't stay long to not cause disturbance. There were three adult Gopher Tortoise holes and all were in or hanging around their holes. I hope this little fellow makes it. It's always great to seem them thriving! :)

TeresaBurke 10 years ago

Oh my gosh! So cute! I would LOVE to have this little guy added into my mission!

Great find!

Rosa Maria
Spotted by
Rosa Maria

St. Augustine, Florida, USA

Spotted on May 12, 2014
Submitted on May 22, 2014

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