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Iron Cross Blister Beetle

Tegrodera aloga


Really exciting colours on this bug helped me to get an ID even though I know little about insects! Red head, thorax, black legs, yellow wings with black spots and a black cross across its back when wings are folded. At first I thought they couldn't fly because they didn't fly while I was watching them, but then a couple hours later, I saw another one and it flew away, so that helped with the ID.


LOTS of these colourful beetles on the paths at Lost Dutchman State Park, Arizona. (near Phoenix). Sonoran Desert habitat with lots of saguaro, palo verde, cholla, etc. Very dry!! and hot.

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KathleenMcEachern 10 years ago

Thanks Elaine and turtles2penguins!

turtles2penguins 10 years ago


KathleenMcEachern 10 years ago

Thanks, sintija!

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

wow, amazing insect!!!
Great spotting! :)

KathleenMcEachern 10 years ago

Yay, my first "first" on Project Noah! Thanks, KarenL for pointing that out for me!

KarenL 10 years ago

Kathleen, congrats this is the first spotting of this species on Project Noah! I'm sure Keith would welcome this in his Beetles mission!

Spotted by

Arizona, USA

Spotted on Apr 22, 2014
Submitted on May 3, 2014

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