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barn swallow

Hirundo rustica


it is collecting nesting material . Barn Swallows have a steely blue back, wings, and tail, and rufous to tawny underparts. The blue crown and face contrast with the cinnamon-colored forehead and throat. White spots under the tail can be difficult to see except in flight. Males are more boldly colored than females.


open habitats from fields, parks, and roadway edges to marshes, meadows, ponds, and coastal waters. Their nests are often easy to spot under the eaves or inside of sheds, barns, bridges and other structures


During the breeding season keep an eye on mud puddles, as Barn Swallows come to the ground to pick up mud and grass for nesting materials. Their mud nests are often tucked under the eaves of barns and stables, on structures near playing fields, or under bridges.


kimbowr 11 years ago

Susan, please don't be sorry for calling me Kim. How were you to know? I appreciate it, but no apology is necessary.

Everyone may already know this, but I didn't. I found out this last weekend that although barn swallows use mud to build there nests, if mud is not available, they will use poop. YUCK! I understand it doesn't mean the same for them, but it's still gross!

SusanEllison 11 years ago

thanks Kimberly....It is alright, I have one more posting that was similar but was not sure of the ID but it is now IDed. sorry I was not very clear with my request and sorry that I call you Kim and not Kimberly

kimbowr 11 years ago

Susan, are you asking me to check out a page you know of or am I not understanding your question?

Please call me Kimberly. I don't see or hear "Kim" very well. Thanks!

SusanEllison 11 years ago

thanks Kim
can you check one more on my page?

kimbowr 11 years ago

I was amongst a large amount of both Barn Swallows and Martins this last weekend halfway between Junction and Menard, Texas. It looks like a swallow to me. I think, not at all sure, Martins have a dark chest and belly.
I vote - Barn Swallow.

SusanEllison 11 years ago

thanks Laura for the ID

SusanEllison 11 years ago

thanks Debbie for the ID

LauraMaria 11 years ago

Definitely a barn swallow, the solid red bib is the IDing factor! Great pics, Susan. I love these birds :) They're a sign of summer over here!

Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

I would say Barn Swallow because you can see its elongated forked tail and it has the trademark red chin, very nice photos once again Susan :-)

Spotted by

Texas, USA

Spotted on May 5, 2013
Submitted on May 8, 2013

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