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Turkey Tail Fungus


This fungus was nearly 3" across, with cream through tan bands usually associated with a Turkey Tail Fungus. And it does look like one, but it appears to have gills on the underside, not pores. My guess is that it is likely to be in the family Polyporaceae.


It was growing on the side of a downed tree, in a moist part of an open forest, on a slope above the Pacific Ocean on the west side of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica.


A lot of fungi are lumped together under the name Turkey Tail fungus. Not being a fungus expert, I didn't realize I'd need to be able to count pores on the undersurface, so I can't properly key this one out. Maybe someone else can. And next time I photograph a fungus, I'll do a better job.

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Irene Brady
Spotted by
Irene Brady

Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Spotted on Dec 3, 2010
Submitted on Mar 3, 2016

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