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Eastern Gray Squirrel

Sciurus carolinensis


Squirrels are familiar to almost everyone. More than 200 squirrel species live all over the world, with the notable exception of Australia. The tiniest squirrel is the aptly named African pygmy squirrel—only five inches (thirteen centimeters) long from nose to tail. Others reach sizes shocking to those who are only familiar with common tree squirrels. The Indian giant squirrel is three feet (almost a meter) long. Like other rodents, squirrels have four front teeth that never stop growing so they don't wear down from the constant gnawing. Tree squirrels are the types most commonly recognized, often seen gracefully scampering and leaping from branch to branch. Other species are ground squirrels that live in burrow or tunnel systems, where some hibernate during the winter season. --


Tree squirrels are commonly seen everywhere from woodlands to city parks. Though they are terrific climbers, these squirrels do come to the ground in search of fare such as nuts, acorns, berries, and flowers. They also eat bark, eggs, or baby birds. Tree sap is a delicacy to some species.


Backyard spotting.

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LaurieWinters 11 years ago

Thank you, Mona!

Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 11 years ago

Lovely series..

LaurieWinters 11 years ago

Thanks, Smith Zoo!

Smith Zoo
Smith Zoo 11 years ago

Love picture 4, fun series!

Spotted by

St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Spotted on Mar 9, 2013
Submitted on Mar 10, 2013

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