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Scoopwing Moth, Erosia veninotata..


This Moth was small, 4 cm but I have seen other twice as big, perhaps is a Scoopwing Moth, Erosia veninotata...? I love this Moth they look like small bats to me....


Gallery Forest. 900 Meters-3000 feet above sea level, next to Tanaka National Park, a Pasture , and in a Garden with Endemic trees, plants and flowers of Costa Rica.

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Thank you Mark, I use the light in my front porch with 2 large glass doors, It fascinate me to see both sides. Glad you like it also...

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 5 years ago

Good to see both sides.

Yes Scoopwing....for sure but what species?

LisaPowers 5 years ago

Shouldn't this be scoopwing?

WOW! LaurenZarate I see you have a few of them...any idea what my is?

Provincia de Alajuela, Costa Rica

Spotted on Jul 20, 2018
Submitted on Jul 27, 2018

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