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Black Scavenger Fly

Sepsis lateralis


Diptera; Acalyptratae; Sepsidae; Sepsis; Sepsis lateralis Wiedemann, 1830. "The Sepsidae are a family of flies, commonly called the black scavenger flies or ensign flies. Over 300 species are described worldwide. They are usually found around dung or decaying plant and animal material. Many species resemble ants, having a "waist" and glossy black body." Wikipedia.


I spotted these Black Scavenger Flies swarming over a patch of uncultivated land which is always overgrown with all manner of weeds. this area is out beyond our rice fields and is unused because of its irregular shape. Sometimes our neighbours graze their animals there which might account for the presence of these flies.


A similar spotting in Philippines -

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Apr 17, 2016
Submitted on Jun 9, 2022

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