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Abeja roja

Rhodanthidium sticticum


Solitary bee with a length of 12 to 16 mm. It is easily identifiable by the orange stripes on the abdomen. Their mouthparts are highly developed, with a comparatively long tongue and a rectangular upper lip. They transport pollen in scopes located in the lower part of the abdomen, so they are efficient pollinators of different fruit trees.


Sucking on Lotus creticus in a pine forest on dune soil next to the Mediterranean Sea.


They cut pieces of leaves to cover the interior of the nests - often in empty mollusk shells - and also to roll them into a container where they keep the mass of honey and nectar, and deposit an egg. Males show aggressive reproductive behavior, hovering over females by surprise.

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eulalia rubio
Spotted by
eulalia rubio

Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

Spotted on Apr 26, 2021
Submitted on Apr 26, 2021

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