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Nest of some kind


A nest made from sticks.



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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

You're welcome miahmelea

MIAH 10 years ago

Thanks Scott Frazier

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

Hello miahmelea! I moved your nest spotting (--that's a big nest!) to birds from "other". The category "other" is not a general place for spottings that are unknown. It is a category for organisms that don't have their own group listed on Project Noah. These "others" are typically invertebrates that are not Arthropods. Your nest is definitely not made by an invertebrate. I would say a bird (anyway it is a vertebrate:-) ) because a squirrel would have more leaves and less sticks. Raptors for one, can build nests like this ( ) although I am not positive of the species that made this. :-)

Spotted by

Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA

Spotted on Feb 15, 2014
Submitted on Feb 15, 2014

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