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Bank vole

Myodes glareolus


Photographed during foraging. On the first picture you can see the entrance to the den (bottom left)


Photographed at the forest edge of a mixed forest (mostly oaks and beeches) on the trunk of an alder. (Nature reserve Naafbachtal)

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 9 years ago

these are tricky to spot!!

DanielePralong 9 years ago

Thank you :-)

DanielePralong 9 years ago

Great spotting and images Olivia! We very much like the collection you've started on Project Noah. One little tip: under the Habitat field, could we please ask you to describe the actual habitat where your spotting was made, rather than generic habitat. From our FAQ page: "Please state the actual habitat where you photographed the spotting - this information can then be used to track changes in habitat, such as those caused by human intervention or habitat destruction. It is not necessary to state published habitat information here, this can be referenced in the 'reference links' box". Thanks in advance!

Spotted by

Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Spotted on May 7, 2015
Submitted on May 7, 2015

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