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Red-Headed Brown Anole

Anolis sagrei


12:10 p.m. in the early afternoon, I took a quick glance, out of the right front window, and I spotted, a reptile with light, tan skin, resting on the edge of the left, sidewall. From looking out of the right front window, I noticed that this reptile, had light, tan skin. I grabbed my camera, and I slowly turned the door knob, to the open position. I opened the front door very slowly, and then I started taking photos of this light, tan reptile. I then stepped down, onto the front door mat, very quietly and very gently, so as not to make any noise. Then I took more photos, of this light, tan reptile. All during this time, this light, tan reptile, has not moved. I stepped forward again, and by now, my camera was about six or seven inches away, from the head of this light, tan reptile, and again, I took more photos. So far, this light, tan reptile, has not moved. Suddenly, all of a sudden, this light, tan reptile, jumped into the bushes. Some kind of noise, startled this light, tan reptile, and it jumped into the bushes. This is my first encounter, with a reptile, with light, tan skin.


I spotted a reptile, with light, tan skin, resting on the edge of the left, side wall, at a little past noon time.


Sometime after noon time, I decided to look out of the right front window. What I saw, shocked me. I saw a reptile, with light, tan skin, resting on the edge of the left sidewall. I grabbed my camera, and I went outside, and I moved very slowly, to where this light, tan skin reptile is. Each time I moved a little bit forward, I took a lot more photos. During this process of moving very slowly forward, and taking a lot more photos, this light, tan skin reptile, did not move, until it got startled, and then this light, tan skin reptile, leaped into the bushes. This is my first encounter, with a light, tan skin reptile.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Paul Davis
Paul Davis 6 years ago
Brown Anole
Anolis sagrei Brown anole - Wikipedia

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maplemoth662 6 years ago

muchas gracias, Paul Davis....

Paul Davis
Paul Davis 6 years ago

An increasing number of red-headed Brown Anole lizards have been appearing in Florida over recent years .

maplemoth662 6 years ago

muchas gracias, Greg Shchepanek....

Spotted by

Lakeport, Florida, United States

Spotted on May 26, 2018
Submitted on May 26, 2018

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