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Chicatana Leafcutter Ant

Atta mexicana


Mostly smaller workers, at 8-10mm body length. On these pictures, they can be seen cleaning out their fungus gardens on to a rubbish dump (pictures #5+#6). The cleaning seems to include dead (?) larvae. The rubbish heap covers an area of about 50cm x 30cm.


City park in semi-arid region, at about 1800m a.s.l.


Here's video of this colony:

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Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 4 years ago

Sorry, only just saw your comment! Apparently most species make underground dumps, so one never sees them. I go out there as often as I can to watch the mound grow.

Tukup 4 years ago

Interesting Felix. We have tons of leaf-cutter ants here (literally), but I've never seen this before. Thanks for sharing.

Felix Fleck
Spotted by
Felix Fleck

Querétaro, Mexico

Spotted on May 1, 2020
Submitted on May 5, 2020

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