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Plant Bug

Ectmetopterus sp.


Hemiptera; Miridae; Orthotylinae; Halticini; Ectmetopterus sp. These Plant Bugs are quite small and although they cannot be viewed very well in the uncropped photo, I included it to show the extent of the infestation on the foliage.


I spotted these Plant Bugs on Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) growing behind the rice mill water tank. Plant identification -


I originally made a careless mistake in my identification of these small creatures. I wrongly uploaded them as Unidentified Alticini (Flea Beetles). Thanks to Võ Anh Tuấn's helpful comment, I have it right now.

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Võ Anh Tuấn
Võ Anh Tuấn a year ago

John B.
Thanks for your wishes.
Like you, I have misidentified many times and had to ask my friends in Project Noah for help. Do not worry.

John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi Võ Anh Tuấn, thank you very much for your comment. You are 100% correct. This is why I like Project Noah. People are helping each other. I will fix this careless mistake today and then I will check all my other "Flea Beetles' to make sure there are no more blunders. Thank you again. Happy Spotting! John B.

Võ Anh Tuấn
Võ Anh Tuấn a year ago

Not a Beetle, its a true bug, Ectmetopterus sp., Hemiptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae

John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Jul 22, 2017
Submitted on Jun 3, 2022

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