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Desert hyacinth, Fox radish

Cistanche tubulosa


Desert hyacinth is all-flower bearing parasite plant, growing on roots of desert shrubs. It is a rare and endangered species. Most pereferred host for this parasite is Salvadora persica. Desert hyacinth is unable to synthesise chlorophyll directly and therefore has no green colouration. It is a widely distributed annual that produces a dense pyramid spike of bright yellow flowers topped by maroon-tinted buds. Its many tiny seeds may remain dormant for years until the roots of its host plant are close enough to trigger germination. The plant is able to tolerate saline environments and is most found in arid regions of Rajasthan, Punjab and Pakistan.


Desert hyacinth is traditionally used as a tonic drug for deficiency of the kidney characterized by impotence, cold sensation in the loins and knees, female sterility, and constipation due to dryness of the bowel in the senile

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YogeshSave 11 years ago

Most welcome sir, there should be some program for conservation and cultivation of this ENDANGER species.

Wild Things
Wild Things 11 years ago

Wow, amazing information! Thanks again.

YogeshSave 11 years ago This is the host plant Satyen, we generally call it "Miswak"

YogeshSave 11 years ago

Thank you sir, this is very rare and endangered species.As I mention in descreption this is parasite plant and can grow on host plant. This host plant is found in sandy land so we find it in marshland.

Wild Things
Wild Things 11 years ago

Great spotting. Despite the name and the common occurrence in desert, I guess it was a rare thing to see it at a marshland?

Spotted by

Gujarat, India

Spotted on Mar 7, 2012
Submitted on Jul 10, 2012

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