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Wolf Spider

Family Lycosidae


Large. Somewhat ashy-blue in colour. the abdomen seems dis-proportionate.


Rescued from a piece of thermocol floating in a rainwater drain (which of course ferries a lot more than just water!)


Any ID suggestion will be gratefully explored. Exact ID would be wonderful.

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SukanyaDatta 11 months ago

Thank you, John. I took care not to come within touching distance. I treat all spiders with respect. Really appreciate you taking so much trouble for my safety.

John B.
John B. 11 months ago

Sukanya, sorry I forgot to mention please do not handle the wolf spider too much they are known to give a nasty rapid succession of bites if they get upset. Their venom is not overy dangerous for most people, but young children and older people like me can have more serious reactions. I haven't taken the time to look up where I found this warning bacause I just wanted to let you know quickly, but if you would like a reference, I'm pretty sure I can find it again. John B.

SukanyaDatta 11 months ago

Thanks John, Leuba also shortlisted the same at least that is a solid clue. I am glad I rescued it...more spiderlings soon, hopefully. Thanjs a lot.

John B.
John B. 11 months ago

This spider looks like a gravid female Lycosidae sp. We have lots of Lycosidae spp. here and I find them difficult to identify. Sorry I can't be more specific.
John B.

Spotted by

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Spotted on Jul 1, 2023
Submitted on Jul 1, 2023

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