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Plume Moth

Exelastis sp.


The forewings of plume moths usually consist of two curved spars with more or less bedraggled bristles trailing behind. They resemble dried grass, and may pass unnoticed by potential predators even when resting in exposed situations in daylight.


Suburban back yard, resting in the grass.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Plume Moth
Hellinsia balanotes Hellinsia balanotes

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1 Comment

dhobern 9 years ago

Hellinsia balanotes is a large, heavily built moth. This moth has the forewing shape and build and the row of black terminal dots typical of the genus Exelastis. Identifying the species may not be possible.

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Jan 19, 2015
Submitted on Jan 22, 2015

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