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Red Columbine

1 Species ID Suggestions

HemaShah 12 years ago
Red Columbine
Aquilegia canadense Red Columbine, Aquilegia canadense

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

alzbeta, I created a local mission for wild flowers in San Franscisco a month . You can check to see if you could use that to ID some of your wild flower spottings.

I will put this in the Rangers room for discussion with our founders as there may be a case for creating such a mission by expanding one of the local missions or grouping them together.

Liz113 12 years ago

Are there any wildflower missions for North America? There are a lot of wildflowers I see while traveling that I'd like to identify.

Hi adventurebus, you may only create local missions with a maximum radius of 300 miles at the present time. Once you have proved that you can run the mission successfully within those limits you may be able to have it upgraded to global but until that time we have to ask you to only add/accept spottings which are within the circle defined on the map of your mission. You can move the centre of the circle to include your specified area but that is all. You will also need to change the title of the mission and its overview contents. I would suggest initially you concentrate your mission to the state where you normally reside and those adjacent if they are within your defined circle.

alicelongmartin 12 years ago


Spotted by

Washington, USA

Spotted on Jul 11, 2011
Submitted on Apr 11, 2012

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