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Birds of California/Arizona

Birds of California/Arizona

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Birds of California/Arizona
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Website 32 participants 663 spottings

I am trying to record every bird in California... including Catalina island.

Birds of California/Arizona

Lat: 36.78 Long: -119.42

Recent Spottings

Whimbrel Brian38 2 0 Whimbrel
Western red-shafted flicker Brian38 6 2 Western red-shafted flicker
Gambel's quail Brian38 4 0 Gambel's quail
Northern phainopepla (female) Brian38 4 0 Northern phainopepla (female)
Northern phainopepla (male) Brian38 3 0 Northern phainopepla (male)
Verdin Brian38 4 0 Verdin
Black-headed grosbeak (Male) Brian38 5 0 Black-headed grosbeak (Male)
Vermilion flycatcher Brian38 3 0 Vermilion flycatcher
Southwestern red-tailed hawk Brian38 3 0 Southwestern red-tailed hawk
Mexican goshawk Brian38 2 0 Mexican goshawk
Abert's towhee Brian38 4 0 Abert's towhee
Pyrrhuloxia (male) Brian38 4 0 Pyrrhuloxia (male)
Rufous-winged sparrow Brian38 3 2 Rufous-winged sparrow
Cactus wren Brian38 1 0 Cactus wren
Gila woodpecker Brian38 3 0 Gila woodpecker
Curve-billed thrasher Brian38 2 2 Curve-billed thrasher
Acorn woodpecker (male) Brian38 4 0 Acorn woodpecker (male)
Mexican jay Brian38 3 0 Mexican jay
Arizona woodpecker Brian38 2 0 Arizona woodpecker
Sulphur-bellied flycatcher Brian38 2 0 Sulphur-bellied flycatcher
American coot Brian38 6 0 American coot
Western red-tailed hawk (rufous morph) Brian38 8 0 Western red-tailed hawk (rufous morph)
Say's phoebe Brian38 6 2 Say's phoebe
Black phoebe Brian38 4 0 Black phoebe
Loggerhead shrike Brian38 3 0 Loggerhead shrike
White-crowned sparrow (juvenile) Brian38 3 0 White-crowned sparrow (juvenile)
Western mockingbird Brian38 2 0 Western mockingbird
Northern harrier (female) Brian38 1 0 Northern harrier (female)
Steller's jay Brian38 11 2 Steller's jay
Sandhill crane Brian38 12 3 Sandhill crane
Least sandpiper Brian38 3 0 Least sandpiper
Peregrine Falcon (juvenile) Brian38 4 0 Peregrine Falcon (juvenile)
Greater yellowlegs Brian38 5 0 Greater yellowlegs
Buff-bellied pipit Brian38 3 0 Buff-bellied pipit
Mallard (male) Brian38 5 0 Mallard (male)
Black-necked grebe Brian38 10 5 Black-necked grebe
Mountain chickadee Brian38 6 2 Mountain chickadee
Western bluebird (male) Brian38 4 0 Western bluebird (male)
White-crowned sparrow Brian38 6 0 White-crowned sparrow
Horned lark Brian38 2 0 Horned lark
Cooper's hawk Brian38 5 0 Cooper's hawk
Western bluebird (female) Brian38 4 0 Western bluebird (female)
Say's phoebe Brian38 4 0 Say's phoebe
Pied-billed grebe Brian38 7 0 Pied-billed grebe
Bufflehead (male) Brian38 5 0 Bufflehead (male)
Sooty fox sparrow Brian38 6 2 Sooty fox sparrow
American avocet Brian38 3 0 American avocet
Black phoebe Brian38 4 0 Black phoebe
Western bluebird Brian38 4 0 Western bluebird
Red-shafted Flicker (male) Brian38 5 0 Red-shafted Flicker (male)

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